Saturday, 28 January 2023



 Maa Saraswati  is the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, arts, aesthetics, literature, music, and sciences in Indian culture. She is equivalent to nine muses that were considered  the source of inspiration in Greek and Roman cultures. In India,  Maa Sarswati is worshipped for inspiration to do well in the above mentioned spheres. Every educational institution and organization associated with education celebrates and observes Saraswati Pooja on Basant Panchami.


Keeping the tradition alive, our school, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT, celebrated Basant Panchami with cultural fervour on January 26, 2023. Beautiful pieces of Art related to Basant Panchmi were decorated on the boards. A floral rangoli with yellow and orange coloured flowers signified the brilliance of nature and the vibrancy of life.

The stage was decorated with flowers and candles. The aroma of burning camphor filled the atmosphere with spirituality and fidelity. All the students, teachers, parents ,faculties and many local people were invited on this occasion.

 The school campus was beautifully decorated with traditionally made Bandhanwars using marigolds, lotuses, mango leaves and bells.

The program was inaugurated by the Principal Shri CH. Shanmuga Rao. All the rituals were performed with great fervour. The Puja was followed by other rituals such as Puspanjali, Nam Kirtan and Bhajan Samaroh. All students took blessings of Goddess Saraswati. The program bought refreshment, positivity and a sense of unity among all the members of the school. Dry Prashad was distributed  to everyone. Everyone had a hearty meal(kichidi) after the cultural program.

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Vidya (विद्या) = Knowledge, learning Pravesh (प्रवेश) = Entry, initiation Vidyapravesh – The Sacred Initiation into Learning Vidyapravesh ...