Thursday 25 July 2024



As per the circular received from CBSE  dated on  16th July 2024  circular no : Acad-55/2024,  VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT,  conducted TLM  Exihibition as a part of the Shiksha  Saptah celebrations from July 22 to July 28, 2024. This week-long event is dedicated to showcasing innovative teaching and learning materials created by students and teachers, aimed at enhancing educational practices and making learning more engaging.

Objectives of the Exhibition:

*To highlight the creativity of students and teachers in developing effective and educationally enriching materials.

* To present and discuss innovative approaches and tools for teaching various subjects.

*. To encourage collaboration between students, teachers, and the community in the educational process.

*To recognize and celebrate the efforts of both students and teachers in enhancing the learning experience

The exhibition commenced with a formal inauguration at 10:30 AM, attended by the Principal, teachers, and students. The Principal delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the importance of creativity in education and the role of TLM in making learning enjoyable and effect. The auditorium was divided into various sections, each dedicated to different subjects including Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Each stall featured interactive and visually appealing TLMs, such as science models, math games, historical dioramas, and language learning aids. Students from different classes were present at their respective stalls to explain their projects and demonstrate how the materials could be used in teaching. Their enthusiasm and deep understanding of their projects were evident as they engaged with visitors and answered questions. Teachers also had their own displays, including innovative lesson plans, teaching aids, and professional development resources. Their presence allowed for valuable discussions on pedagogical strategies and the effectiveness of various teaching materials.




Report on FLN Day: Generating Greater Awareness for Successful Implementation of NIPUN/FLN Mission in School

FLN Day was organised at our school, |VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VDYALAYA, RANGAT ON 23rd July  2024 to promote greater awareness among all stakeholders about the NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Mission. The goal was to highlight the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) in early education and to showcase innovative ways to engage children, parents, and educators in this mission.

Parents were invited to take part  in that.  Workshops were conducted by the teachers, Smti  K. Bindhu, Mr.Bishnu  Pada  Biswas & Mr. Sadha Nand  to educate parents about the importance of FLN and how they can support their children’s learning at home. Practical tips and resources were provided to help parents engage in their child's literacy journey. A video related with Nipun Bharat & FLN activities was also projected

 Jadui Pitara, a magical box filled with engaging learning materials, was introduced. These kits included flashcards, puzzles, storybooks, and educational games that make learning fun and interactive for children.

  E-Jadui Pitara  was initialised at our

school by providing the helpline number “18002120173”to the parents providing access to digital resources. This ensured that learning could continue beyond the classroom and into the homes of the students.

Parents were encouraged to participate in home reading programs, where they read with their children daily. This not only helped improve the children’s reading skills but also strengthened the parent-child bond.

   The principal addressed the gathering, reiterating the school’s commitment to the NIPUN Mission. They highlighted the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy as the building blocks of education and the school’s dedication to achieving these goals.




Swami Vivekananda Attained Maha Samadhi on 4th July 1902, His Inspiration Continues. 4th July is a memorable day, as on this day in the year 1902, Swami Vivekananda, thinker, youth leader and a great prophet of modern India attained Maha Samadhi at about 9:00 pm while he was in meditation.

VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT, observed the 122nd anniversary of Maha Samadhi of Swami Vivekananda

on 4th July ,2024 with deep reverence. On that day our principal CH Shanmuga Rao ,lit the Pancha mukhi diya & offered flowers. He also spoke about the importance of observing the day. After that ,all children  & staff offered flowers on the holy feet of Swami Vivekananda and took blessings.

Thursday 23 May 2024




              CBSE RESULTS FOR CLASS X - 2023-2024

 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas always believe in enhancing pupils academic skills and at the same time , fostering their Enthusiasm. A total of 20 Students, appeared for the board exam. Overall 13 students got" First Division". 13 students secured marks between "65% - 85 %". The overall pass percentage is 100%.The Principal, Shri 
CH. Shanmuga  Rao , congratulated all the students for their success and thanked the teachers for their hard work and great effort.


Sunday 14 April 2024



"Vidyarambham", also known as” Aksharabhyyasam” signifies the formal introduction of toddlers to the world of writing and learning. “Vidya” means knowledge, and “arambham” means start, making it a ceremony that marks the beginning of a child's educational journey. It instils a sense of tradition and cultural pride in the child

For keeping this tradition alive, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT, celebrated the “Vidhyarambham” ceremony on 3rd April, 2024. The ceremony was unfolded by our honourable Principal  CH Shanmuga Rao by lighting the lamp infront of Maa Saraswati , “the Goddess of knowledge”. After that each and every blossoming buds were made to write akshars &  letters on the tray filled with rice mixed with haldi( Akshada rice). Then every child offered flowers to the portrait of Maa Saraswati. Mangal Thread was tied and sweets were distributed to each one of them. A total of 7 children along with their parents took part in that ceremony.

Friday 12 April 2024



 Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Rangat organized a 3-day Personality Development Camp for the students of classes VI, VII, and VIII for the academic session 2024-25.

The purpose of this camp was to inculcate discipline, time management, and values among the students.

The three-day   camp commenced on March 28, 2024, at 8:00 am.

Altogether, 30 students attended the camp.

The camp was formally inaugurated by Shri  MADHAV HALDER, SHO ,RANGAT.

The chief guest, in his address, encouraged and motivated the students to grow in life. He also shared his experience and advised the students to prepare themselves for upcoming challenges in life, such as competitive exams or entrance exams.

In the 3-day camp, many classes were conducted on various topics such AS PARICHAY SATRA BY CH. SHANMUGA RAO, Principal of VKV Rangat, personality development with Swamiji as a role model by DR. ABHIDA, CHC RANGAT, disaster management and fire safety by SHRI NEELADHAR, Fire Officer at the Fire Station in Rangat, 
GITA (SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA CHAPTER 15 - PURUSHOTTAM YOGA) BY Smti K BINDU  AND  Smti SUNITA , Value Education BY BISHNU PADA BISWAS, and incidents from Swamiji's life related to courage and love by  Smti SUNITA  KUMARI . Activities such as warm-up exercises, Surya Namaskar, Pranayama, chanting of Mantras (pg. 18), Pranayama bastrika, Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhramari Yogena (pg -18), and Santhi mantran

were conducted by the Physical Education Teacher. Krida Yoga and Sramanubhav (Swatch Bharat action)were also conducted by all teachers.

On the valedictory ceremony day, parents were invited. Some students shared their camp experience with the parents and small video clips were also shown to them.

Wednesday 28 February 2024



Maa Saraswati  is the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, arts, aesthetics, literature, music, and sciences in Indian culture. She is equivalent to nine muses that were considered  the source of inspiration in Greek and Roman cultures. In India,  Maa Sarswati is worshipped for inspiration to do well in the above mentioned spheres. Every educational institution and organization associated with education celebrates and observes Saraswati Pooja on Basant Panchami.

Keeping the tradition alive, our school, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT, celebrated Basant Panchami with cultural fervour on 14th Febuary 2024. 

The stage was decorated with flowers and candles. The aroma of burning camphor filled the atmosphere with spirituality and fidelity. All the students, teachers, parents ,faculties and many local people were invited on this occasion.

 The school campus was
beautifully decorated with traditionally made Bandhanwears using marigolds, mango leaves and coconut leaves. 

The program was inaugurated by the Principal Shri CH. Shanmuga Rao. All the rituals were performed with great fervour. The Puja was followed by other rituals such as Puspanjali, Nam Kirtan and Bhajan.
 All students took blessings of Goddess Saraswati. The program bought refreshment, positivity and a sense of unity among all the members of the school. Dry Prashad was distributed  to everyone. Everyone had a hearty meal(kichidi) after the cultural program. on same day & the next day, in the evening, around 5:30 pm ,Bajan sandhya was conducted. all teachers ,students & parents took part on that.After that, on  16th Febuary , a send -off ceremony  to Maa Saraswati , that is Visarjan was performed at around 10:30 am. All staff & students enthusiastically took part on that. The Program was ended with  prash

ad distribution.


 " Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava, Atithi devo Bhava”.  The traditional Matru puja is based on the verse of the Taittiriya Upanishad, which says that “Let you be the one who worships mother, father, teachers and guests as god”.

Goddess in the heaven are always worshipped during festivals. But Goddess on the earth, who give birth to us, (our Mother) should also be worshipped. She sacrifices so many things in life just to see that her children grow and lead a successful life.

Nobody in this world can do what a mother does for her child.To respect the sacrifices and the pain that she takes to make a life & to instil the moral values in the minds of children and to foster love and respect towards the “Mother” who has endured great pain to bring the child into this world, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT  conducted “Matru Puja” to strengthen the bond of love and respect between mothers and their children. The school was beautifully decorated with traditionally available flowers ,coconut leaves and mango leaves. Parents were  welcomed by traditionally the teachers &  children of class IX. After that, the traditional lamp was lit followed with the chanting of “Three om karas”. 

Guru Paduka Puja was performed by the Pandit
 by offering Panchamrut (water, milk, curd, honey and ghee) and flowers at the Holy Lotus feet of Maa Saraswati, while the Guru Stotram was chanted by one and all. Thereafter, One of our senior teachers,  Smti Bindhu.K, spoke about the significance of this puja in the present day context, where children, distracted by the technology in hand, do not spend quality time with their mothers and thereby forget to care for their simple needs. After that, our honorable Principla along with all teachers, guided the children to wash the feet of their mothers.  Students worshipped their mothers’ by applying chandan and kum kum on their mother’s feet. They took Aarti with diya & agarbatti  and garlanded them.  The emotional mothers’ hugged and kissed their children and blessed them wholeheartedly.  The beaming faces of the children and mothers was a treat to the eyes .Mothers became very emotional and thanked the teachers and management members for arranging such a beautiful programme for them which  gave awareness and importance of mother to the children on this day. 

After that, Aarti was performed by the teachers .After taking blessings from all staff , Students got their Admit Cards from the Principal , Shri CH Shanmuga Rao, and the ceremony came to an end with the chanting of Shanti mantra.  At last, Prasad and Breakfast were served to all.

Monday 29 January 2024


On the auspicious morning of 26th January 2024, our school Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya , Rangat celebrated 75th Republic Day in the school premises.

The students of our school  and teachers gathered in the school campus at 6:30 a.m. After that all the students were divided into two groups in two lines for Prabhat Feri with a set of effective patriotic slogans. The Prabhat Feri was started from the school premises to the Rangat Bazaar and returned back to the origin. After coming back Ch Shanmuga Rao, Principal VKV Rangat hoisted the national flag and everybody  stood straight for National Anthem sung by the teachers and the students. Then all students ,including teacher sang " Aarti Bharti Maata ki" in respect to our nation. Priyanka Sing , teacher VKV delivered a brief valuable speech on the significance of the day. After this, students presented speeches. 

Two patriotic songs were presented by the students of class V , VI and VII. The celebration ended with the distribution of chocolates & biscuits among the students.

Wednesday 17 January 2024


“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything” - Swami Vivekananda.

To commemorate the 161st Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual leader and a reformer of Modern India, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Rangat, N& M Andaman, celebrated   Swami Vivekananda Jayanti & National Youth Day with great joy & enthusiasm on 12th January 2024. It was a grand day of celebration for the school and its students. The function started at 10:00 a.m. at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Auditorium, Rangat, N & M Andaman. The auditorium was completely decorated beautifully with flowers and lighting & arrangements were meticulously organised, celebrating the biggest function of the school.
All the participants were very enthusiastic to perform .Our teachers helped everybody get ready in time. The Chief Guest was Sushree Sita Majhi, Pramukh,Panchayat  Samiti Rangat , N & M Andaman and the Guest of Honour was  Smti Gnana Mani, Principal Incharge, GSSS,  Rangat
. Parents, well-wishers, SMC Members and other dignitaries were also invited on this auspicious day. The Principal & senior teachers along with few students welcomed the Chief Guest & Guest of Honour at The program was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by the lamp Chief Guest. Simultaneously, the Guest of honour also lit the lamp. The cultural program began with “iikkya Mantra &   school prayer”.  Shri. V. Senthil Kumar, Librarian, delivered welcome address. After that, a beautiful welcome dance-“Ganesh Vandhana & Ram Siya Ram” was presented by our children, which gained a big applause by all. After that, key note was presented by the Guest of Honour.  She, being a former teacher of Vievekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,started the speech with “Shanti Paat-Om Sahana Vavathu...”and  highlighted  the importance of celebrating  Swamiji Jayanti. After that, she finished the keynote with”Shanti Mantra- Sarve Pavanthu Sukinaha....”. Her inspiring speech emphasized the value of hard work & dedication, motivating the student to achieve greater heights. After that, our Principal handed over the momentum to the Chief Guest as well as to the Guest of Honour. In continuation, the students of different classes performed various programs. Students from all classes participated in these programs. In between, the most exciting part of the event, that was the Prize distribution ceremony where Principal along with our Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, handed the prizes and certificates to students who actively participated and won in the various events conducted in our school such as
Recitation on Quotations of Swami Vivekananda, making Exhibits & Presenting on Saadhana Diwas, Rakhi making, Gita Jayanti, celebration  of Samarth Bharat Parv  etc.
The children of junior wing performed beautiful group dances. After that, various cultural dances based on different states like Panjabi, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil were presented and gained a big applause. Mime based on “Save Water” presented by class VIII students was applauded by everyone in the hall. Skit based on Life Incident Of Swami Vivekananda also gained a big applause by everybody.  Vote of thanks was given by our senior teacher Smti Sunita Kumari. Finally, the Principal, Shri CH.Shanmuga Rao   thanked everyone. The program was hosted by Miss Mumeeta Mondal (Teacher),Pragati K. Pradip(C-X), Bibek Biswas , & Pratiksha Mondal ( C-IX).The program was  concluded with Shanti Paat.