Thursday, 5 January 2023


  On 4th January 2023 ,VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT, hosted its 18th Annual   Athletic Meet  , a day filled with fervour and excitement experienced admist thrills, shrills and cheers. On this special day , our Chief Guest SHRI. PANKAJ KUMAR PANDAY(SHO) inaugurated the opening ceremony by lighting the lamp. He also delivered a wonderful speech .SHRI. KESHAB KABIRAJ, Zilla Parishad Member ,Parnashala, M.Andaman, was the Guest of honour for the inaugural Ceremony.

 Our honourable Principal, Shri. CH. SHANMUGA RAO presented a wonderful welcome speech. After that the program started with "March Past". The highlight of the day was ,the lighting of the Presidency torch which was carried out by Karan Bara of  class X. Girls from various classes, performed Leizium Dance & Aerobic Exercise. Various events were conducted and students eagerly participated & won medals & Certificates. Games were organized for parents and certificates were given. 

Dr. POONAM GOVIND , CHC, Rangat, M. Andaman , was the chief Guest for the closing ceremony and SHRI. BALA MURUGAN (Pradhan Gram Panchayat, Parnashala , M. Andaman) was the Guest of Honour for the closing ceremony.

At the end of the day, students departed with clear smile on their faces as the Yellow house emerged as "Overall Champions". it was a day filled with sportsmanship and memories to cherries. At last, our Principal , thanked  all the teachers for their co-operation and support and advised children to keep up their sportsman sprit.

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