ON 14th DECEMBER 2021
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya
Rangat celebrated Gita Jayanti on 14th December.
The Bhagavad Gita is considered the most and influential Hindu
scripture for its philosophical. Practical, political and spiritual value. Gita
Jayanti marks the birth of this holy book. This day was celebrated at VKV
Rangat on 14th December,2021 with complete devotion. Smti Sunita
kumari (sr. teacher) delivered a speech on importance of Bhagavad Gita. S.Gunjan (VI),Hemal Halder (VII) and Abijit Sarkar (VIII) chanted shlokas
from Gita. The Principal also encouraged all to read & follow Bhagwad Gita in their life. A group of students chanted verses from karmayoga shloka. Program
was concluded with the offering of flowers by the students and all the staff.