Monday, 29 July 2024




Kargil Vijay Diwas Observation:

Kargil Vijay Diwas was observed at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Rangat on 26th July 2024. One of the staff ,Shri Senthil Kumar acquainted the students with the importance of the day. All students &  teachers have paid homage & tribute to our beloved soldiers.


The mythology behind Guru Purnima can be traced back to the birth of the sage Ved Vyasa, who is said to be the author of the Mahabharata and the Puranas. He is said to have divided and edited the Vedas into the four parts that are known today.

Guru Purnima day is thought to be auspicious for seeking the blessings of Ved Vyasa, who is considered to be the ''Maha Guru''. His blessings are believed to dispel the darkness of ignorance and usher in the light of knowledge.

Hindus celebrate Guru Purnima also as ''Vyasa Puja''. Mantras are chanted to venerate the Maha Guru and seek his blessings. Devotional songs and hymns are chanted throughout the day. The Guru Gita, a holy text, is also recited in memory of the Maha Guru. Flowers and gifts are offered and ''prasad'' is distributed, sometimes called as ''charanamritha''.

In some ashrams, a puja of sandals is conducted, believing it to be that of Sage Ved Vyasa. Others visit their own spiritual gurus and rededicate their lives and spiritual paths to them.Fellow disciples are also given respect on this day, as the ''Guru Bhai' which honors each person's spiritual journey and sees them and oneself as One with the Guru and the Divine.Some also start their spiritual journey or studies on this day by giving an offering called 'deeksha' to their gurus.

VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT, MIDDLE ANDAMAN celebrated “Guru Purnima” at  our school on 20th July  and at Gram Panchayat,Parnashala , Rangat  on 21st July 2024 .Students, parents, villagers, other dignitaries & well wishers  witnessed the program in the presence of   Sushri Varsha  Bujone , Secretary , Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas, Andaman .  At the set, the program was inaugurated by  lightening the lamp  followed by Prayer & bhajans. The  secretary welcomed  the gathering & spoke on the importance of the day of “Guru Purnima” celebration in Vivekananda Kendra . The “OM” Stickers were distributed among the general public. Altogether 150 people  witnessed the program. At last prashad was distributed among all.



                             DAY-6  “ECO CLUBS FOR MISSION LIFE DAY”  As per the circular received from CBSE dated on 16th July 2024 circular no: Acad-55/2024, VIVEKNANDA KENDRA  VIDYALAYA, RANGAT, celebrated “Eco Clubs for Mission Life” on 26th July ,as a part of the Shiksha  Saptah celebrations from July 22 to July 28, 2024

. The main objective of this celebration is to create awareness among the children about environmental issues such as climatic change, pollution and resource depletion, to motivate students to adopt eco-friendly behaviour and incorporate sustainable practices into their daily life and to foster a sense of personal  responsibility for environmental conservation. By keeping all issues into the consideration our school conducted plantation drive under #Plant4Mother initative , a total  of 35 plants were planted by the students. Each sapling was accompanied by a “Placard” displaying the name of the students and their mother. A total of 35 students along with 15 teachers took part in that plantation drive.

Sunday, 28 July 2024




 A community involvement day is a designated time for individuals, groups and organizations to come together to engage in activities that benefit their c such as volunteering, educational events, health & wellness activities  and plantation drive etc. By keeping this into consideration, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT DAY was celebrated AT VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT on 28/07/2024. A plantation drive was conducted with community involvement, where students and parents participated actively & planted various types of saplings.

After that , a rally was also organized, during which students chanted slogans and held placards emphasizing the importance of the day. The Head of the Institution, all teachers, students, and parents participated in this rally. After the rally, Principal Shri  Ch Shanmuga  Rao, explained   about the significance of   conserving the nature. Altogether 140 people were presented in that event.


Sikha Saptha Day -4 - Cultural Day at Vivekanand Kendra Vidyalaya,Rangat

Sikha Saptha Day 4 was celebrated in our school with great enthusiasm. Students from Class VI and Class VIII performed a Nukkad Natak on the importance of "No Food Waste." Students from various classes participated and enjoyed the day a lot.

First, students of Class V performed an energetic dance to the song "Jai Ho."
Next, students from Classes III and IV performed another beautiful dance, "Aayi Giri Nandini," which evoked a feeling of spirituality among the students. Then, students of Class VIII performed another energetic group dance to the song "Yeh Subaharam Ho Subah Aram," which transported the children to Rajasthan. Following this, Class IX students performed an amazing dance to the song "Hukum Ek Ekka."

Additionally, Nakesh from Class III sang the beautiful song "Aayi Giri Nandini." The event continued with Class IX students singing "Shri Krishna Govinda Hari Murari," which spread a sense of spirituality in the hall. Finally, students of Class V sang "Galat Maat Kadam Uthao," which instilled a feeling of patriotism among the students.



Day 3 of Sikhsha  Saptah-Sports-Day Celebrated at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Rangat

On the third day of Sikhsha Saptah , our Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Rangat, witnessed a series of exciting activities and games that involved students from various classes.

For the KG classes, teachers introduced the game 'Nalugu Stambalata,' which brought immense joy and engagement among the youngest students.

For Classes I and II, teachers organized the traditional games 'Poshampa' and 'Langri.' These games not only entertained the students but also helped in promoting physical fitness and coordination. The children displayed remarkable energy and sportsmanship throughout the activities.

Students from Classes III to V enjoyed the game 'Nadi Parvath,' which involved a mix of physical activity and strategic thinking. The competitive spirit and teamwork displayed by the students were commendable.

All students participated with great enthusiasm, making the event a memorable and enriching experience. The day was a perfect blend of fun, learning, and physical activity, highlighting the essence of Sikhsha Saptah.

Thursday, 25 July 2024



As per the circular received from CBSE  dated on  16th July 2024  circular no : Acad-55/2024,  VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT,  conducted TLM  Exihibition as a part of the Shiksha  Saptah celebrations from July 22 to July 28, 2024. This week-long event is dedicated to showcasing innovative teaching and learning materials created by students and teachers, aimed at enhancing educational practices and making learning more engaging.

Objectives of the Exhibition:

*To highlight the creativity of students and teachers in developing effective and educationally enriching materials.

* To present and discuss innovative approaches and tools for teaching various subjects.

*. To encourage collaboration between students, teachers, and the community in the educational process.

*To recognize and celebrate the efforts of both students and teachers in enhancing the learning experience

The exhibition commenced with a formal inauguration at 10:30 AM, attended by the Principal, teachers, and students. The Principal delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the importance of creativity in education and the role of TLM in making learning enjoyable and effect. The auditorium was divided into various sections, each dedicated to different subjects including Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Each stall featured interactive and visually appealing TLMs, such as science models, math games, historical dioramas, and language learning aids. Students from different classes were present at their respective stalls to explain their projects and demonstrate how the materials could be used in teaching. Their enthusiasm and deep understanding of their projects were evident as they engaged with visitors and answered questions. Teachers also had their own displays, including innovative lesson plans, teaching aids, and professional development resources. Their presence allowed for valuable discussions on pedagogical strategies and the effectiveness of various teaching materials.




Report on FLN Day: Generating Greater Awareness for Successful Implementation of NIPUN/FLN Mission in School

FLN Day was organised at our school, |VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VDYALAYA, RANGAT ON 23rd July  2024 to promote greater awareness among all stakeholders about the NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Mission. The goal was to highlight the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) in early education and to showcase innovative ways to engage children, parents, and educators in this mission.

Parents were invited to take part  in that.  Workshops were conducted by the teachers, Smti  K. Bindhu, Mr.Bishnu  Pada  Biswas & Mr. Sadha Nand  to educate parents about the importance of FLN and how they can support their children’s learning at home. Practical tips and resources were provided to help parents engage in their child's literacy journey. A video related with Nipun Bharat & FLN activities was also projected

 Jadui Pitara, a magical box filled with engaging learning materials, was introduced. These kits included flashcards, puzzles, storybooks, and educational games that make learning fun and interactive for children.

  E-Jadui Pitara  was initialised at our

school by providing the helpline number “18002120173”to the parents providing access to digital resources. This ensured that learning could continue beyond the classroom and into the homes of the students.

Parents were encouraged to participate in home reading programs, where they read with their children daily. This not only helped improve the children’s reading skills but also strengthened the parent-child bond.

   The principal addressed the gathering, reiterating the school’s commitment to the NIPUN Mission. They highlighted the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy as the building blocks of education and the school’s dedication to achieving these goals.




Swami Vivekananda Attained Maha Samadhi on 4th July 1902, His Inspiration Continues. 4th July is a memorable day, as on this day in the year 1902, Swami Vivekananda, thinker, youth leader and a great prophet of modern India attained Maha Samadhi at about 9:00 pm while he was in meditation.

VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT, observed the 122nd anniversary of Maha Samadhi of Swami Vivekananda

on 4th July ,2024 with deep reverence. On that day our principal CH Shanmuga Rao ,lit the Pancha mukhi diya & offered flowers. He also spoke about the importance of observing the day. After that ,all children  & staff offered flowers on the holy feet of Swami Vivekananda and took blessings.


Saraswati Puja, dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the deity of wisdom, learning, and arts, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion  ...