Sunday, 8 September 2024


Ganesh Chaturthi ,also known as Vinayak chaturthi is a remarkable hindu festival . It is celebrated as tribute to the deity of wisdom and prosperity in Hindu mythology who is also recognised as the god of new beginnings and the remover of obstacles.Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival rich in cultural, religious, and social significance. It celebrates not only the birth of Lord Ganesha but also the values he embodies—wisdom, patience, perseverance, and prosperity.It is traditionally celebrated by all hindu people of  Bharat. 

By following the tradition, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT  celebrated  Ganesh Chaturthi with great pomp and gaiety. The stage was decorated with flowers. The aroma of burning camphor filled the atmosphere with spirituality and fidelity.

The celebration began with lighting up the lamp and Aarati by our Principal and all teachers. All the rituals were performed with great fervour.  After that children paid homage to the deity by offering flowers. Ganesh bhajans were sung by various group of children. The program concluded with Prasaad distribution. The whole celebration was organized by all the four houses. A total of 110 people including students & Staff, witnessed the celebration.

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