Monday, 26 August 2024


 Janmashtami is a significant Hindu festival observed in India, celebrated on the 8th day of Krishna paksha in the Hindu month of Shraavana. It marks the birth of Lord Krishna and is joyfully commemorated by Hindus across the country. Festivities are particularly passionate in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Gujarat, and others. Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, is honoured during this festival. Janmashtami, which typically falls in August-September, is celebrated with various rituals aimed at pleasing Lord Krishna. This festive occasion is a source of great joy for Hindus, encompassing vibrant celebrations and meaningful traditions. It is more than just a festival. Janmashtami embodies devotion, unity, and spiritual enlightenment for Hindus throughout India. By following the tradition, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA RANGAT celebrated " Sri Krishna Janmastami " on 26th August 2024, in school premises.The celebration was inaugurated by lighting up the  lamp by the Principal, followed by the Judges shri  *Dipankar Mandal*, SMC Vice Chairman, Shri *Nimai Paik*, Vice President PTA, shri *Kuldip Paul* PTA Member.The Program began with *Gita Chanting* .After that house wise *Fancy Dress Competition* was conducted for the blossoming buds of KG's. Kids very enthusiastically took part in the competition in the attires of Lord Krishna & Radha. Then, house wise bajan & dance competition were also held. Children from all houses very enthusiastically and joyfully participated . The competition was judged by the Judges.In that *Ketharnath*

house bagged first position . 

The  celebration came to an end with prasaad distribution. The celebration was organised by *Ketharnath* house. A total of 173 people witnessed the program along with PTA, SMC Members and parents.

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Vidya (विद्या) = Knowledge, learning Pravesh (प्रवेश) = Entry, initiation Vidyapravesh – The Sacred Initiation into Learning Vidyapravesh ...