" Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava, Atithi devo Bhava”. The traditional Matru puja is based on the verse of the Taittiriya Upanishad, which says that “Let you be the one who worships mother, father, teachers and guests as god”.
Goddess in the heaven are always worshipped during festivals. But Goddess on the earth, who give birth to us, (our Mother) should also be worshipped. She sacrifices so many things in life just to see that her children grow and lead a successful life.
Nobody in this world can do what a mother does for her child.To respect the sacrifices and the pain that she takes to make a life & to instil the moral values in the minds of children and to foster love and respect towards the “Mother” who has endured great pain to bring the child into this world, VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, RANGAT conducted “Matru Puja” to strengthen the bond of love and respect between mothers and their children. The school was beautifully decorated with traditionally available flowers ,coconut leaves and mango leaves. Parents were welcomed by traditionally the teachers & children of class IX. After that, the traditional lamp was lit followed with the chanting of “Three om karas”.
Guru Paduka Puja was performed by the Pandit

After that, Aarti was performed by the teachers .After taking blessings from all staff , Students got their Admit Cards from the Principal , Shri CH Shanmuga Rao, and the ceremony came to an end with the chanting of Shanti mantra. At last, Prasad and Breakfast were served to all.
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