Sadhana Diwas Novemwas celebrated to commemorate Mananiya Eknathji Ranade’s birth anniversary on 19th ber 2021 at V.K.V Rangat in the morning assembly. He was a great social activist and leader. In the year 1972, Vivekananda Kendra –a Hindu spiritual organisation was founded by Eknathji Ranade. The Principal Sri C.H Shanmuga Rao paid floral tribute and enlighten students about the journey of this great patriot who followed the principles of Swami Vivekananda throughout his life. The song ‘Hum anuaayi Eknath ke..’ added strength to the spirit to do something fruitful for the motherland. Essay & Drawing competitions were organized for the students.One of the teachers Smti Satabdi Thakur delivered her speech on Eknathji Ranade. Few students presented their speech. Various competitions such as drawing & essay were conducted. A skit was staged on Eknathji’s life and sacrifices by the students of class IX. Program was concluded with offering of flowers by the children and staff with shanty Mantra and Kendra Prayer.